Friday, August 24, 2012

Blog Day 2- Script Almost Complete!, kids in purgatory?

 I have decided upon a theme- you know how everyone is nostalgic about old movies like Nosferatu, Dracula, etc...

 So the film will be very 20's style- black and white, disturbing characters, 4:3 aspect ratio- you know what I'm talking about. The plot is pretty hard to understand- even for me, so I decided to focus on the characters.

 Three characters exactly-The Lbrn, Jimmy and Edward.

 Jimmy is the protagonist, but he's not another ordinary kid.

 Jimmy was born in the year 1988, along with a twin brother- Edward. They were both happy kids and grew up to form a perfect team.

 In the late 90's, however, Edward started to change- he became very introverted and... creepy. What we do know is that he had joined this neighbourhood club, more like a cult- which had it's own ways of passing time, dressing, etc.

 Edward would often be found around bathrooms, naked, standing all alone in a corner of the room, wearing a hat. As funny as that may sound- it got creepier and creepier, as he would spend hours, sometimes days just staying there.

 After consulting a psychiatrist, it was concluded that Edward was simply going through a pre teen stage? What?

 The family started to realise that something was wrong when the boy's skin suddenly turned pale, and he became very skinny- he looked exactly like a ghost, and refused to walk out of the corners. Edward complained of frequent headaches and would often wear this winter hat, pulling down on it with his two hands.

 It was June when Jimmy couldn't find his brother. In fact, nobody could. All that was found was a note. This note had one word on it- STUTZER.

 It wasn't long until Jimmy found the meaning of it. It is german for blood. In that moment, everybody realised that wherever Edward was, he had contacted leukemia, and was in a terminal stage.

 Like we all know- the 2000's held the infamous "leukemia crysis".

 I will continue the story this afternoon(Romanian time), as I really want to have the script done

 I'm not sure it's going to be as long as I hoped it would- instead of 80 minutes, it's probably gonna end up around half that time.

 Of course, this is not the big idea.

 I'm tired right now- very tired, since I only got two hours of sleep. Enough crying, now- just a few more pages to go and I can end the scripting part.

 After the script is complete(which I will announce), I'll get a few more hours of sleep, then call my crew.

 To be honest and straight in the face- my dedicated(paid) working men and women were at a party last night- while I was terrifying my ass off here with that "lbrn" noise(if you look at the previous post, you'll see what I'm talking about). From a total of nine people, six are half drunk right now... wonder what else happened at the club?;)

 So what I hope to do is have the whole shooting part complete by Sunday(kinda tight, huh?). After that me and two friends of mine, who volunteered are gonna edit all the footage into a complete film- overnight.

 In that night, our "composer" will complete the audio tracks for the movie.

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